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  •  the product fills in hollow areas of all the lines and wrinkles. Afterward, the water in the filler’s composition dissolves, and the second stage of its action begins;
  • When it comes to the second stage, collagen fibers are provided with synthesis, so any type of aging signs is reduced for a long time. If the procedure is performed correctly, the results may last up to two years.

Please note that Sculptra results after 2 weeks and Sculptra results after 4 weeks may look different. All because the product needs some time to settle; also, it is recommended to have more than one treatment session to provide an individual with noticeable and durable improvement.

Injection’s Advantages. Sculptra Before And After

In order to be sure that this procedure is right for an individual, a patient should discuss the future Sculptra treatment with a medical professional. Only in this way will it be possible to define the needed number of dermal injections, the amount of the remedy required, certain safety rules, and numerous other factors.

The advantages of the dermal filler should be mentioned, too, so a person knows what to expect after the treatment session. Let’s have a closer look:

  • It works in the deep dermis, so the natural collagen production is stimulated naturally;
  • The internal structure of the skin, as well as its density, are naturally restored;
  • The results appear gradually and, thanks to that, may last for up to 2 years;
  • It’s rarely followed by puffiness because polylactic acid does not attract water.

Warnings to Be Aware of. Limitations And Adverse Reactions

As with all procedures aimed at skin aging prevention, Sculptra can be followed by certain adverse reactions after the treatment. It’s a natural reaction of the organism to the unknown component administered into the body (in this case, injectable solution). The most common side effects are:

  • Injection site reactions (such as redness or itching);
  • Slight bruising or swelling in the needle insertion spot;
  • High sensitivity in the treated zone;
  • And others.

A doctor shouldn’t be contacted unless any severe adverse reactions occur (such as allergic reactions, trouble breathing, swollen throat or tongue, continuous painful sensations, and others).

Speaking about the limitations, mind the following issues:

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Known history of allergic reactions to any filler’s components;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Blood clotting issues (as well as bleeding disorder);
  • Acute forms of chronic diseases, colds, herpes;
  • Skin damage or irritation in the target areas;
  • Autoimmune, mental illness;
  • Etc.

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